What Are Dental Braces, Its Types?

8 December 2021
Dental Braces

If you are reading this article we consider you an individual suffering from crooked and misaligned teeth. Whenever anybody in your surroundings takes the name of orthodontist Aventura fl the first thing which comes into your mind is “braces” Braces are used not only to correct a person’s smile but also to realign their jaw.

How Do Braces Work?

An orthodontist performs treatment based on patient needs, including jaw teeth alignment. If you are looking for braces Hollywood fl you can search on the web for an orthodontist close to me and get the list of orthodontists near you. Here are some factors of braces that connect and help your teeth to get a proper alignment including:

1. Bracket:

One of the most popular types of braces uses brackets, these brackets are small, square-shaped pieces of metal or ceramic that are meant to be placed in the center of your teeth where you want the treatment to take place.

2. Archwire:

The archwire is made of metal that fits in the center of the brackets and applies constant pressure to the teeth. Archwire slowly shifts your teeth into their ideal positions.

3. Rubber Band:

There is one more factor that is common and known by many people which is a rubber band. Rubber bands are connected to hooks and connect the top and bottom brackets altogether. These bands guarantee the teeth are ordered properly and help reposition the jaw. You can visit adult orthodontics Miami if you have some more queries related to these factors.

What are the types of braces available?

There are various kinds of braces and thousands of brands which you can choose your best one with by keeping your choice in mind.

Many like aesthetic things if you are one of them there are options available for those who don’t want metal braces. For instance, clear ceramic braces, Invisalign.

  Here are some types of braces:

1. Traditional Metal Braces:

Traditional metal braces have a massive impact on people. These are the most effective options for people who are looking for affordable metal braces near me. Traditional metal braces can fix overbite, underbite, misalignment of teeth, repositioning of the jaw. This is the most common treatment among children. Adults are not fond of it because they are metal-based.

2. Clear Braces:

Clear braces are known as ceramic and invisible braces among people. These braces are similar in size and shape to metal braces and perform the same purpose.

But the major difference between traditional metal braces and these clear braces is that these braces are colores as tooth brackets, in short, these braces are tooth-colored which makes them no different from natural teeth and are less noticeable. The rubber bands and elastic elements of clear braces are also transparent or white. These Invisible braces are popular among teens and adults.

 3. Clear Aligners

Here comes the clear aligner which is commonly known as Invisalign. These braces are another popular “invisible” braces option among people and are most suggested by orthodontists. These invisible braces are removable and comfortable. These braces can cost you the same as traditional metal braces. These Invisalign Aligners are a popular option for teens and adults.


We hope you liked this article and it was helpful for you. If you are suffering from any dental issue make sure not to avoid it and get weekend orthodontist Saturday appointments.

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