What Is The Process Of Dental Implants In Children?

23 March 2023
Dental Implants In Children

A dental implant is an artificial root surgically placed into your jawbone and connects with your natural bone. An abutment keeps your crown, or prosthetic tooth, in place. In this article, we have mentioned information about implants that might accommodate you in the future.

Go through this entire article to get all the information.

Dental implants’ restorative dental treatment depends upon various conditions such as jaw bone, health, and infection-free teeth. A dental procedure may involve several techniques.

Dental implants’ significant benefits are solid support and teeth-like functionality. Also, this procedure requires enough time to heal around your teeth because this process needs many months to heal. If you suffer from missing or damaged teeth, visit your dentist in north miami beach for proper diagnosis and treatment.


Types Of Dental Implants:

There are majorly four types of dental implants in cosmetic dentistry. Here all the types are being treated by the pediatric dentist Bay Harbor. So you can choose accordingly.

Endosteal Implants:

Endosteal teeth implants are the most widely utilized implant among many patients. These implants are placed in the bone to support bridges, removable dentures, and screws. The replacement tooth is held in place with the support of a tiny titanium root, similar to a screw, which is implanted in the jawbone.

Subperiosteal Implants:

Subperiosteal tooth implants are done on the bone, and these implants are potentially the opposite of endosteal implants. Many dentists choose these implants when there isn’t enough bone to hold the implant. These subperiosteal implants have the replacement tooth in one position in the jaw bone.

All-On-4 Dental Implants:

All four dental implants are ideal for adults who desire to avoid dentures. For these implants, your dentist will insert a tiny titanium screw into your jaw to replace the missing tooth’s root. After the dental crown placement, your artificial tooth looks and functions similarly to a natural tooth. These four implants are inserted as per jaw, which is why they refer to as all-on-4 implants.

Implant-Supported Bridges:

When one or more teeth are missing, there isn’t enough jawbone to support an implant, or a nerve is exposed; your dentist will advise an implant-supported bridge. Implant-supported bridges comprise three parts: implant, abutment, and restoration.


Fringe Benefits Of Dental Implants Are :

  • Dental implants can enhance your appearance
  • Help Improving speech
  • Provide you comfort
  • Easy in eating
  • Increase self-confidence
  • Better oral health
  • Durable
  • Convenience


Reasons To Take The Implants :

  • Useful in the place of Missing teeth
  • Have a jawbone with total growth
  • Enough bone structure to fuse dental implants or have bone grafted properly
  • Hava health and hygienic oral tissues
  • Don’t have a dental condition that will affect your dental restorative procedure.
  • If you are powerless or not willing to wear dental dentures or bridge
  • Want to improvement in your speech
  • If you are comfortable with a 2-3 months commitment
  • Don’t have bad dental habits such as smoking or tobacco.



Suppose your child suffers from missing, crocked, knocked, or fractured teeth. In this situation, the dental implant is the best restorative solution for you because it is one of the most durable dental treatments and may last for 20 to 30 years or even a lifetime in some cases if you nurture dental practices such as brushing and flossing teeth twice in a day and visit your dentist for a routine checkup to Kids Dentist North Miami for two times a year.


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